Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many school districts across Canada and the United States have suspended in-class instruction indefinitely and are beginning to transition to online education. To help ease this process, Kumuni Learning Ltd. is offering a Continuity of Learning course beginning in Spring 2020, which could be used for any of the languages we currently offer.

The Continuity of Learning (CoL) course is a template that can be modified to fit any language course at any level, using resource frameworks already developed within the Kumuni language-learning system. The CoL course can be tailored to teachers’ individual instructional styles while maintaining continuity of learning with previous in-class instruction.

Courses come as a template, with setup support from Kumuni staff to help teachers customize it to their own needs, as well as teacher’s guides, students’ guides, and instructional video series on how to use our resources and online education system.

The CoL course is available at a low per-teacher rate, at costs significantly lower than our normal course pricing, in order to make this transition easier for districts and teachers.

For more information, please contact Kumuni at info@kumuni.com or 250-306-0367. You can also see our course offerings on the courses page and districts where they are currently in use on the students page.