Each Kumuni course comes in two versions: a Base version and a Supported version. There is no difference in content between them: a student learning with the Base version will learn exactly what a student learning with the Supported version will learn.

The difference comes in how much support Kumuni offers the school, hence the name. In the Supported version, teachers get access to the critique and commentary of Kumuni’s language mentors and receive any and all updates that may happen over the course of the school year as they happen. Teachers also get access to custom-made Master Guides.

In the Base version, suitable for schools that already have language teachers, teachers do not get access to language mentors’ critique and commentary, nor to the custom Master Guide, and only receive Kumuni course updates at the beginning of each school year.

You are able to purchase Base and Supported seats in any combination you want. If you have teachers for French and Spanish, but not for Japanese or Mandarin Chinese, you can purchase the Base French and Spanish courses and the Supported Japanese and Mandarin courses; if you have a French teacher, but too many French students for one teacher to mark, you can purchase some Base French courses and some Supported French courses.

The Base courses are $75 CAD a seat, while the Supported courses are $95 CAD a seat, paid upon student activation.